Project Icarus
The solar system is erupting into chaos. The dying sun is releasing intense bursts of solar radiation that’s destroying the planets around it, making it an invitation for death for anyone who enters the system. However due to the extreme solar activity, brand new elements are being formed and are worth billions of units. You’re one of a few brave mercenaries trying to make your way through the system gathering as many resources as you can before the sun goes supernova. You’ll find higher valued resources as you get closer to the sun, but it’ll be hard on your shields. Will you get the resources you need to set yourself up for life, or will you fly too close to the sun and be destroyed?

- 1 Game Board
- 4 Player Mats
- 4 Player Ship Tokens
- 4 Player Reference Cards
- 25 Tracker Tokens
- 1 Supernova Tracker
- 4 Drill Integrity Trackers
- 4 Shield Trackers
- 4 Engine Trackers
- 4 Green Resource Trackers
- 4 Red Resource Trackers
- 4 Yellow Resource Trackers
- 11 Goal Cards
- 24 Drill Cards
- 18 Shop Cards
Note: If you make the PNP file and don't want the paper trackers, the game was designed to hold 8mm cubes for the player boards (6 per board: 2 green, 2 red, 1 yellow, and 1 blue), and a 10mm cube for the supernova tracker.
▼ Changelog
v.1.2.1December 2, 2019
- Overall
- Removed dice from PNP file since they're no longer used.
- Cards
- Increased the font weight on the shop cards to match the rest of the cards for easier readibility.
v.1.2 November 14, 2019
- Overall
- Removed movement die and replaced with engine management. Cost of 2 red resources to upgrade.
- Rules
- Players can "fly" over another player by spending 1 additional movement per time flying. This cannot be done to switch orbits if the other player is on the space station.
- When a player dies, their ship is placed upside down and becomes wreckage.
- When drawing a supernova card, the player's drill still degrades by the same amount as it normally would.
- The number of supernova cards shuffled into the drill deck varies on how many players there are.
- Added "Drill Deeper" mechanic which allows players to draw a new resource card for an additional cost. This cannot be done on green planets.
- Player Boards
- Your ship has limited storage space for each resource type. You cannot gain more until you exchange them up at a space station using the exchange rate.
- The green resource storage space has been increased to store 18 instead of 10.
- Game Board
- Every player has their own main space station numbered 1-4. Players should use the appropriate player mat.
- Orbit transfers have been better balanced to make use of the entire game board.
- Additional shield point loss added to supernova tracker.
- Some planets have moved positions to better balance the board.
- Players can no longer move into the center orbit in 1 turn.
- Cards
- Removed "Cobalt Tipped" to balance shop cards better.
- Standardized all cards to have a proper header.
- Removed drilling die and added in drilling deck.
- Resized goal resource icons to better fit card with header.
- Player reference cards added to game (drilling on one side, space station on the other).
v.1.1 August 8, 2019
- Overall
- "Trading Posts" are now referenced as "Space Stations"
- Removed resource tokens from the game and replaced with resource trackers for each resource type.
- 2 versions of the game are planned: basic and deluxe.
Basic Version- Integrated resource trackers on player boards
- Cardstock game board
- Sticker dice
- Resource pool section on game board with 150 resources (50 yellow, 50 red, 50 green)
- Folding game board
- Custom printed dice
- Rules
- Players can now go back onto a space they've already visited on their turn as long as they move OFF the space and then back on; thereby using up movement.
- Supernova advances 1 space at the end of every round (twice during a 1 and 2 player games). This is in addition to any advancement that has happened that turn.
- When your drill integrity is at 0 and you have no resources, once per game you can go back to the main space station to receive 3 green resources. If your shield gives out before you get there, you lose.
- Player Boards
- Removed "Player Board" from upper left corner.
- Added in turn sequence reference to upper left hand corner.
- Added shield point loss reference in upper left hand corner.
- Added resource trackers (green, red, and yellow) to replace resource pool.
- Added optional back with logo
- Game Board
- Fixed incorrect space station direction on right hand of game board on the outer ring (now it's blue pointing inwards).
- Renamed "Reference" area to "Drilling Reference" and added drilling costs
- Created "Space Station Actions" to bottom left hand corner.
- Moved "Conversion" chart to lower left hand corner beside "Space Station Actions".
- Added reminder above Supernova track to increase the Supernova tracker by 1 space at the end of every round.
- Shop Cards
- Added "Slingshot Maneuver" which allows you to use movement to swap spaces with another player.
- Added "Cobalt Tipped" which allows you to drill 1 more time per planet. Drill integrity point loss remains constant each time you drill.
- Added "Enhanced Scanner" which allows you to reroll the drilling die once per planet for the cost of losing the appropriate amount of shield points depending one what ring you're on.
- Goal Cards
- Added new goal cards: 1 beginner, 1 easy, 1 medium, 1 hard, 1 extreme, and 1 impossible.
v.1.0 Released July 4, 2019
- Released to the public.